Antique and Vintage Saxophones

As a guitarplayer I was allways interested in the saxophone. Not only as a musical instrument but just being an art object as well. The various chatgroups about the different marks and sometimes obscure builders helped me a lot! For contact:

Friday, August 11, 2006

This originally silver plated saxophone with the
Paul Beuscher engravings was thought to be a Pierret stencil
instrument model VI. However Luthiers Vents provided 
me with some new information: This instrument resembles the most a 
Maurice (Albert) Boiste, he worked with his brother RenĂ© Maurice 
who worked for Selmer before he started working for Boiste.
Just take a look at:

As opposed to the americain stencils, european stencils are
equal or better (in this case) than the factory engraved
instruments. This one has more deluxe keyguards.


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